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Get started with incident intelligence

As part of applied intelligence, incident intelligence helps you correlate your incidents and reduce noise in your environment. It gives you an overview of all your incidents, their sources, and related events.

If you haven't already, sign up for a New Relic account to get started.


Pathways have been deprecated, and are replaced by workflows.

If you still have access to pathways, reach out to your New Relic account representative and ask to be upgraded.

Note about EU/US datacenters

New Relic's incident intelligence service is performed solely in the United States. By using New Relic incident intelligence, you agree that New Relic may move your data to, and process your data in, the US region. This applies whether you store your data in New Relic's US region data center or in our EU region data center. If you elect to use the suggested responder feature and manage EU-based individuals, you may need to confirm that an appropriate data processing agreement is in place.

Set up incident intelligence

To enable incident intelligence and start seeing issues in your issue feed, follow these steps.

1. Configure your environment

An environment groups together a set of one or more accounts. This allows you to see cross-account actions such as correlation, configuration, and data in one place. Everyone on your team needs access to your environment account and needs to be authorized to view the data in it.

By default, when you create an account, it's added to its own environment. In applied intelligence, an environment is a mechanism for sharing data between accounts on New Relic. It doesn't apply to other New Relic products.

If you need cross-account collaboration, you can add multiple accounts into a single custom environment. You should only do this if you need to track cross-account data.

By default, if an account is created after November 2021, that account is placed in its own environment. This is the recommended setting.

What's stored in the environment?

A screenshot of the incident intelligence environment dropdown.

Use the environment dropdown to see your cross-account applied intelligence activity.

  • Your workflows configuration
  • Your decisions configuration
  • Your incidents
  • Issues created from your incidents

Workflow enricher queries are executed at the environment account level.

What's stored in the individual account?

A screenshot of the incident intelligence individual account dropdown.

Use the individual account dropdown to see policies, conditions, and destinations related to your account.

An individual account stores:

  • Your policies and conditions
  • Your destinations

When moving individual accounts from one environment to another, the configurations aren't deleted, but they may not be available in the new environment.


To view an issue, a user must be authorized for read access to the incident intelligence environment.

To view an incident's details, a user must be authorized for read access to the account where the incident originated.

We recommend giving read access to all of your users in each incident intelligence environment.

Create a custom environment

As an administrator, complete these steps to create a new custom environment for the account your team is using. If you're not an New Relic administrator, you won't be able to complete these steps.

  1. Create a user key.
  2. Go to the NerdGraph explorer. (If you're on an EU datacenter, use EU NerdGraph.
  3. In the account dropdown, select the user API key you created.
  4. In the query builder, in the mutation section, click incidentIntelligenceEnvironment, then select incidentIntelligenceEnvironmentCreateEnvironment.
  5. Click the execute query button or press Ctrl+Enter to create your environment account.

For more information on how to use the NerdGraph explorer, see introduction to New Relic NerdGraph, our GraphQL API.

The incidentIntelligenceAccountId parameter is the environment ID.

If you don't specify the associatedAccountIds parameter, all of your accounts are grouped into a single environment.

2. Configure sources

After setting up your environment, determine your incident sources. These are your data inputs.

You can get data from any of the following sources:

3. Configure destinations

Now that you've set up your sources, you can configure your destinations, which are the data outputs where you view your issues.

To learn how to set up destinations and configure message templates, check the documentation on notifications.

4. Configure workflows

To learn how to set up workflows, check our workflows docs.

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